The Structure

Committee chairs Mélanie Lepage and Nathalie Dubé provide leadership to the Group as co-chairpersons at the request of the membership at the first AGM in November 2018.  Decisions are made collaboratively.

The Group is composed of two committees that operate independently and serve the population of Prescott-Russell differently.

The Structure

The Social Committee

The Social Committee ensures activities for the LGBTQ+ community and its allies by organizing:

  • Discussion groups (in person)
  • Guest presentations during discussion groups
  • Social activity groups
  • Virtual meet-up groups (since the pandemic)
  • An annual Pride Picnic 

The Social Committee is made up of volunteers (members and allies) who are involved in various ways. A sub-committee was created in 2019 to organize the annual picnic.
Co-founding member Mélanie Lepage has been chairing this committee since November 2018 and facilitating groups since October 2017. 


The Education Committee

The Education Committee aims to provide resources to the entire population of Prescott-Russell by focusing on awareness and education through:

  • Community tables and kiosks
  • Presentations
  • Training offered according to needs
  • Participation in LGBTQui Intervenants training sessions (Novas Centre)
  • Creation of promotional materials (banner, logo, cards, posters, website)
  • Raising awareness of the needs of LGBTQ+ seniors 

The Education Committee is composed of employees from community organizations and volunteers who ensure that the needs of LGBTQ+ clients are addressed.

Nathalie Dubé, a co-founding member, has served as chair since May 2018.